

About Katie
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My Fwendies


This page is dedicated to my Bredrins. 6 girls that i know i can always count on. This is to tell you how speshal u guys are to me..
Kelly, Melanie, Emma, Kirsty, Ellie and Kirstie...
...No matter what happens in the future, know that i love yew guys to bits and have shared the best memories with each and every one of you!!
Thank yew.. xx


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Kel (Lellylia) - Wel wel wel...what can i say? Kelllyy...Lellylia, i luv yew oOoo soOoo lots =o) Ma speshal Chicklin... pmsl, who has matching curleys because she wants to be jus like her role model lol!! hehe, i luff yew and always will! Ure someone that i know i can turn to for anything..anytime... and i think its safe to say that i truely can tell u anything!!! lol! And you know i am always here for u aswell..=oD It sucks that you live soooo far away but u kno ur always in ma heart! hehe! Luv ya for lyf gal and never wanna lose ya! I dno wt id do wiout ma *NO1 FAN!!* lol!! - luv yaa xXxXx

Mel (MelanieHed) - Aww...Melanie hed!! lol! My chicken for chicken in the henhouse!! =oP U know we soo woulda won! lol! I will nva nva forget meeting u chicken..lol outside my work, n i dint even know u! lmao! in fact..did ne1 know u?! lol aww bless yew! But u ave no idea how glad i am u randomly came to stay at easter!! Cause u kno u'll always be ma Bredrin n i dno wt d hell i would do without yew!! I luff ya so much..thanks for being a great mate!! I might not show it sometimes but i really do need u around girl and it'd kill to lose ya! Oh and u kno ne one that messes with ma Melanie Louise Green *pmsl* gets merked! lol - Love yewww *MwAhHhhh..xx*

Emma (Emmaclairee!) - Emma emma emma..lol! I dont even kno wt to say. Ur 1 hell of a speshal gal to me n u no that! U kno that i love ya to pieces! Wen ur not around im all saddened =o( lol! I actually still cant believe that we have only met 3 times..! Scary stuff! lol although its actually 4...but western doesnt count =oP hehe! But yeh, u no wt...i really need u in ma life missy! lol. Ur there when i needa tlk n when im having a bad day i know i can tlka u n it will be ok and u will make me smileee!! =o) Dont be letting ne1 get u down coz ur an amazing person n i luff ya tooo much! Pluss...where would we b without spoons (I FOUND MY BABY SPOONN!! =oP), cheese, bred, potc, johnny depp and other random things? lol oh yeh...one last thought for you - mugs?? -POSSOMM!! lmao xxxxxxxxxxxx
Kirsty B (Princess) -  Aww..Kirstyyy lol! Ur 1 speshhalll princess =o) I luv ya to bitz huni!! Know i am always always here for yewww!! I kno that u would be ther for me if i needed ya so thanks u babe! =oD I dont actually think that i get to c ya or tlk to ya enough tho!! So that kinda sucks! lol. I really miss yew kirstyyyy lol - get ur ass bk to littlehampton soonish ok!! lol Luv yaaa xxxxxxxx
Ellie (EllieRose)-Elliee.....EllieRoooo...Ellie.....EllieRooo! lol, yno i was singing that beauttiifuullyy lol! Ahh Ellie Rose! lol, ur one Krazee Biatch lol! U make me laugh 2 much!! Except when u decide it would be funny to hide my Eyes! pmsl! I really couldnt see uno! lol! Aww n i kno u really just didnt wanna watch Cabin by the lake...u wasnt scared was ya?! lol - nah being serious. Cinderellierooo i luv yaa!! N u know that u actually WAS there at Easter!! Because u was Dr beat! lol - I luv ya foreverr girl, You know that we can tlk serious wen we want and that you can tlk 2 me bout nefing - tis our buisness aitee! Wen it feels like no1 understands you jus call me okies - cuz uno i dooo!! Keep smiling EllieRooRoohedd! XxXxXxX
Kirstie (Mummy Bredrin) - Last but not least Kirstie!! lol! My Coach!! lol So yeh i guess i hafta like u! Lmao, ok im only jkin, u no i luv ya reallyyy! I have known u for AgEsSss! lol like 7 yrs? and we never even used to tlk! lol but now wt would i do without ya?! lol u kno we need each other to keep each ova sane! n to tlk cheerrrr everry dayy =o) lol. Ur the mummmmy bredrin n a gd advice giverr! N good at sorting things out...love yew lotss xxx oh yeh...one last thing *1st place!! hell yeh! =oD lol* XxXxX

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